ATV Desktop Remote

  1. Atv Desktop Remote Start

Download ATV Remote Setup 0.9.8.exe. It is a one-click installer that doesn't require admin rights. It should start after it's installed, if you don't see anything check the tray icons, the remote icon should be in there. These plug-and-play, color-changing LED ATV and UTV lighting kits come with everything needed for custom ATV and UTV engine lighting and wheel-well lighting. The color-changing kits include waterproof (4- or 8-piece) flexible RGB LED strips with plug-and-play connectors, connector hub, waterproof RGB controller with in-line fuse and LC4 connector, and 1 RF remote control key fob with multiple.


Remote Access

I. Prerequisites To Access CRIS Remotely:

Note: You must be on the NIH network to access CRIS.

A. Citrix Client

  • You will need to download and install the latest Citrix client on your workstation. If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, you will need to add the URL to your 'trusted sites.' The current supported Citrix Client installation and instructions can be found at
  • You will need your NIH PIV card and PIN to login. Visit
    Note: Requirements: NIH PIV card reader and software

B. Registered Workstation (desktop computer or laptop)

  • All computers must be registered to access CRIS both on and off the NIH campus
    • Call CC Support Center 301-496-8400 and provide your computer's name
    • To determine the name of your computer/workstation, see the document How to Locate a Workstation Name

C. NIH PIV Card with reader and software

II. Methods To Access CRIS:

There are two ways to log onto the NIH network remotely (outside the NIH campus):

ATV Desktop RemoteDesktopAtv desktop remote control

1. PIV card

  • Prerequisite: PIV reader and software
  • Insert your PIV card into the card reader. You will need to enter your NIH username and PIV password
  • Go to the 'CCCasper Citrix Access' website

2. Virtual Private Network (VPN) Access

  • This requires an account and applies to all employees, contractors and employees.
    To obtain a VPN account, certain individual requirements must be met:
    a. Be in the NIH Active Directory,
    b. Have an NIH email account, and
    c. Complete the NIH Information Security and Privacy Awareness training (
    • NIH Information Security Awareness Course
    • NIH Privacy Awareness Course
    • Securing Remote Computer
    • Remote Access User Certification Agreement
  • Process for VPN Account:
    d. Individual requests a VPN account from their Supervisor, Dept. Chief, or Contract Project Officer
    e. Request is forwarded to respective Administrative Officer
    f. Individual informs Administrative Officer that Security and Privacy Awareness training is completed
    g. Administrative Officer authorizes the individual to have an NIH VPN account
    h. Email notification is sent to the NIH VPN group, the individual, and the Administrative Officer that the VPN account has been approved
    i. Email instructions are sent to the individual, including details on computer setup for the VPN as well as direction to contact CIT helpdesk for assistance if needed.

III. Need Assistance:

If you are a Clinical Center Employee

  • For NIH Clinical Center users, the Department of Clinical Research Informatics (DCRI) User Support Team will provide assistance to update your workstation if needed so it is able to access the new Citrix web site. Please contact the CC Service Center at 301-496-8400 for assistance.

If you work for a NIH Institute or are a Vendor

  • Please contact your Institute local support if problems persist or for further assistance.
  • For users that work outside the NIH Clinical Center network (e.g., NIH Institutes other than CC and remote access to CC Citrix), you will need to download and install the latest Citrix client on your workstation. If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, you will need to add the URL to your 'trusted sites.'

NOTE: PDF documents require the free Adobe Reader.

Atv Desktop Remote Start

This page last updated on 04/28/2020