Software name: VLC media player
Software version used for this installation: 0.8.5
Operating System use for this installation: OS X (10.3)
Recommended Hardware: G3 minimum
Vlc Osx free download - VLC Media Player (32-bit), VLC Media Player (64-bit), VLC Media Player Portable, and many more programs Join or Sign In Sign in to add and modify your software Sign in with. The latest version at the time of writing this document is VLC 0.8.6e. The download page for VLC for OS X lists many locations around the world where the software can be downloaded. The idea is that the downloads can be faster and more efficient if you choose a location near to you. This is the user guide for the VLC media player. Quick start guide: How to start with VLC. Installation: Installation instructions for several systems. Awwa c208 12 pdf. History: Overview and history of the VideoLAN project. Interface: The main interface of VLC media player. OSX Interface; Windows/Linux Interface.
VideoLAN, VLC, VLC media player and x264 are trademarks internationally registered by the VideoLAN non-profit organization. VideoLAN software is licensed under various open-source licenses: use and distribution are defined by each software license. Design by Made By Argon. Some icons are licensed under the CC BY-SA 3.0+. The VLC media player installer is commonly called vlc-2.1.0.dmg, vlc-2.1.2.dmg, vlc-2.1.3.dmg, vlc-2.1.4.dmg or vlc-2.1.5.dmg etc. The program is included in Audio & Video Tools. The bundle id for this application is org.videolan.vlc. This free application is developed for Mac OS X 10.5.0 or later.

Downloading VLC
The latest stable version of VLC for OS X can be downloaded from The latest version at the time of writing this document is VLC 0.8.6e.
The download page for VLC for OS X lists many locations around the world where the software can be downloaded. The idea is that the downloads can be faster and more efficient if you choose a location near to you. There is a separate list for PowerPC? and the newer Intel based Macs so you will need to choose a download from the correct list for the type of computer that you are installing on. (If you are not sure which type of processor your Mac has, you can go to the Apple menu at the top of the screen and select 'About this Mac')
Click on the download link of the location nearest you to begin downloading.
Depending on your web browser and its settings you may see the following window at the start of the download:
Simply select 'Save to Disk' and then click 'OK' to proceed with the download.
Once the download is complete you should see something like this in your downloads folder or in the folder that your web browser is set to download into:
Double click on it to begin installing the software.
You should now see a 'finder window' with a disk image? named 'vlc-0.8.5' (the name of the disk image may be different if you are installing a different version than shown here) open:
All you need to do now to complete the installation is copy the disk image into your 'Applications' folder. To do this click on the disk image to select it then press the Command (⌘) and C keys together to copy it. Now select your 'Applications' folder and press the Command (⌘) and V keys together. This will create a VLC folder containing all of the contents of the disk image in your 'Applications' folder.
The installation is now complete so you can eject the disk (by clicking the eject icon or dragging it to the trash) and start using VLC.

To open VLC double click on the following icon in the VLC folder:
That's it! You now have VLC up and running.
You probably have installed VLC media player on your computer, inserted a Blu-ray disc, clicked on “Media” > “Open Disc” > “Blu-ray” > “Play”, and VLC just failed to load your Blu-ray disc. That is normal. VLC does not pre-installed keys database and AACS dynamic library, so it can only play unprotected Blu-ray disc if you have not configured the necessary files for it.
That is to say, the key to play encrypted Blu-ray disc on VLC is to install two files: keys database and AACS dynamic library. It may sound complicated, it’s much easier than you imagine. I spent about a few minutes downloading and placing the files in the right place, and it began to work. Follow the simple instruction below so you can also play encrypted Blu-ray disc on VLC.
Solution for Windows
Step 1. Download VLC Media Player
Download the latest version of VLC on and install it on your Windows. The VLC media player must be over version 3.0 to play encrypted Blu-ray discs.
Note: It would be better to note down the installation path, especially if you don’t have VLC installed in the default path. For example, I have installed VLC 64 bit on my 64 bit Windows computer with the default installation path C:Program FilesVideoLANVLC. That is the “VLC directory”. In the next steps, I need to put some files correctly inside. Saprouter installation step by step.
Vlc Mac Os X
Step 2. Download Keys Database and AACS Dynamic Library
Go to to download two files: keys database and AACS dynamic library. Please note that the AACS dynamic library is available in two versions, one for VLC 32 bit and one for VLC 64 bit.
For convenience, here are the direct download links.
Download keys database (VLC 64 & 32 bit): Igi 2 level 7.
Download AACS dynamic library (VLC 32 bit):
Download AACS dynamic library (VLC 64 bit):
Step 3. Place the Keys Database File
Enter C:ProgramData in the File Explorer address bar, and then create new folder names “aacs” by yourself. After done, put the downloaded keys database file (KEYDB.cfg) in this folder. The file path would be C:ProgramDataaacs.
Step 4. Place the AACS Dynamic Library File
Put the AACS dynamic library file (libaacs.dll) in your VLC directory. The default path would be C:Program FilesVideoLANVLC for Windows 64 bit.
Step 5. Play Blu-ray disc on Windows with VLC
Now you can launch VLC to check if the disc is now playable.
Solution for Mac
Step 1. Install VLC Media Player for Mac
Download the latest VLC media player for Mac on
Step 2. Download Keys Database and AACS Dynamic Library
Click on and download two necessary files: keys database and AACS dynamic library.
The direct download links are placed here.
Download keys database (Mac OS X):
Download AACS dynamic library (Mac OS X):
Step 3. Place the Keys Database File

The keys database file (KEYDB.cfg) should be put in ~/Library/Preferences/aacs/. The “aacs” folder does not exist so you will need to create by yourself: click “Go to Folder”, input ~/Library/Preferences/, new an “aacs” folder, and then drop KEYDB.cfg into this folder.
Step 4. Place the AACS Dynamic Library File
Put the AACS dynamic library file (libaacs.dylib) in your VLC directory. The path is /usr/local/lib/. If it does not exist, you will also need to create it by yourself.
Step 5. Play Blu-ray disc on Mac with VLC
Connect an external Blu-ray drive with your Mac, insert the Blu-ray disc into it, and then open the Blu-ray disc in VLC to enjoy the show.
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If encounter error “No valid processing key found in AACS config file”, that probably means VLC does not have the ability to encrypt this Blu-ray disc. You can have a look at the following alternative software. They are professional Blu-ray players, have the ability to play most of the commercial Blu-ray discs. You don’t need to configure extra files for playing Blu-ray on Windows or Mac.
Vlc Pour Mac Os X
BlurayVid Blu-ray Player for Windows:
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BlurayVid Blu-ray Player for Mac:
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